Happy Faces in Africa

We Work for Humanity


We have supported education in Africa

We have supported the education of thousands of children in Africa so that they can study. They now look to the future with hope.

We have delivered your Qurbans to Africa.

During the Eid al-Adha and throughout the year, we delivered the qurbans you sent to us to those in need.

We Drilled water wells in Africa

We have drilled water wells so that people struggling with hunger and thirst in the African continent can access clean water.

Mali'de Su
Kuyusu Açtık

Kurbanlarımızı Nijerya'ya

Moritanya'da sünnet
organizasyonu yaptık.

Çad'da Su
Kuyusu Açtık

Burkina Faso'da
Su Kuyusu Açtık

Çad'a Ulaştırdık

Gine'de Sünnet

Senegal'a Yardım
Malzemesi gönderdik

Senegal'e İnşaat
Yardımı Yaptık

Güney Afrika'ya İnşaat
Yardımı Yaptık

Kamerun Ulaştırdık

Kurbanlarımız Togo
Halkına Ulaştırıld

Gana'da Bereket
Sofraları Kurduk

Fildişi Sahilleri'nde
İftar Sofraları Kurduk

Sierra Leone'nda
İftar İkramları Yaptık

Gambiya'da Bereket
Sofraları Kurduk

Liberya'da İftar
Sofraları Kurduk




We Completed the Circumcision Event in Chad

Between 27 – 29 November, the volunteer Turkish medical team completed their preparations with devotion and enthusiasm for the circumcision organisation in Chad, Africa and arrived in Chad, Africa with all their medical supplies.



Preparations for Circumcision Organisation Completed

As Hedef Association, we are participating in the circumcision organisation to be hosted by Safa Association in Ndjamena, the capital of Chad in the heart of Africa, together with our volunteer medical team and volunteers.



We Distributed Holy Quran in Senegal

As Hedef Association, we fulfilled a social responsibility in Senegal, the pearl of West Africa on the ocean coast. After the distribution of the Holy Quran by our association, this region, which is home to historical riches, has gained a new momentum in raising awareness.


In Nigeria, Africa

Hz. Mus'ab Bın Umeyr (R.a) Water Well Opened

In the African country of Nigeria, in the village of Giramakia, which is about 320 kilometres away from the capital Abuja, Hz. Mus'ab Bın Umeyr (R.a) water well was opened.

Target: $0.00
0 % Pledged So Far
  • Mali'den Hikaye
  • How We Work

Donations with help of our partners,
Bigger impact on education!

Excepteur sint ocaecat cupidatat proident sunt culpa officia mollity anim id est laborum. Sed ut duis persic atis under ipsum dolor natus sit voluptatem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

Donations with help of our partners,
Bigger impact on education!

Excepteur sint ocaecat cupidatat proident sunt culpa officia mollity anim id est laborum. Sed ut duis persic atis under ipsum dolor natus sit voluptatem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

  • 0M
    785 million people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water.
    (WHO 2021)
  • 0M
    690 million people in the world can’t meet their food needs.
    (FAO 2021)
  • 0M
    Worldwide, 262 million children and young people do not have access to education.
    (Unesco 2022)
  • 0B
    1.2 billion people in the world do not have access to health services.
Watch Teaser Video

Sen de Onların Hayatına Dokunabilirsin

Gönüllümüz Olur Musun?


İnsanların hayatlarına dokunarak, onlara destek olarak, sevginin, barışın ve kardeşliğin tüm dünyaya hakim olmasına vesile olabilirsiniz.

Gönüllü olmak, topluma dokunmak ve insani yardımın gücüne katkıda bulunmak önemli bir adımdır. Gönüllülük, sadece ihtiyaç sahiplerine yardım etmekle değil, aynı zamanda sizin için de anlamlı bir deneyim sunar. Yardım elini uzatmak, empati kurmayı, daha geniş bir bakış açısı kazanmanızı ve sahip olduğunuz şeyleri sizin için daha anlamlı hale getirir.
  • Water And Food

You Can Touch Their Lives Too

Will you volunteer?

By touching people’s lives, you can be by their side and be instrumental in making love, peace and brotherhood prevail all over the world.

Being a volunteer, touching the society is an important step. Volunteering is not only about helping those in need, but it will also be a meaningful experience for you to experience that spiritual pleasure and be useful to people, thus enabling you to empathise, gain a broader perspective and realise what you have. You will see that life becomes more meaningful for you thanks to these beauties you have been instrumental in.

Kindness and Volunteering Require Love

We Work for Humanity and Touching Hearts

True Happiness is to Share

What is what?

Based on the questions of our volunteers and donors;