Çad Sünnet Etkinliği

We Completed the Circumcision Event in Chad

Çad Sünnet Etkinliği

Hedef Association signed an important Circumcision organisation with the Safa Association and Volunteer Health Team, which continues its activities in the country of Chad in Africa.

Africa Volunteers set off to Africa to sign another loving touch for humanity. Between 27 November and 29 November, the volunteer Turkish medical team completed their preparations with devotion and enthusiasm for the circumcision organisation in Chad, Africa and moved to Chad, Africa with all their medical equipment.

This meaningful event organised by Safa Association and supported by Hedef Association, approximately 2000 children were circumcised. Volunteer doctors from Turkey performed the circumcision with their experience and expertise. At the same time, meticulous work on the supply of medical supplies played an active role in the smooth completion of the circumcision organisation.

Çad Sünnet Etkinliği

The volunteer medical team took an important step for the health of children. The circumcision organisation was successfully completed with the devoted work of the health teams. With this organisation, we aim to further strengthen our heart bridges for children in need in Africa.

This humanitarian service extending from Turkey to Africa stands out not only in the field of health but also as a symbol of intercultural solidarity. This organisation, carried out by Safa Association and Hedef Association, has been instrumental in strengthening our ties between our roots and the friendly and brotherly country of Chad, while reinforcing the feelings of love and solidarity between humanity.

Çad Sünnet Etkinliği

The experiences gained during this meaningful process show that the Turkish volunteer medical team will continue to serve with the same dedication and determination in similar organisations in the future. We continue to contribute to humanity with these good works in Africa.

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