Joy of Qurban and Solidarity with Hedef Association in Africa

As Hedef Association, we distributed the quebans donated by philanthropists in the African country of Chad to those in need during the Feast of Qurban, one of the special times that brings the feeling of social solidarity and goodness to life in the best way. Thanks to the unity of our volunteers, we made thousands of African people smile.

The African country of Chad is known as one of the regions where living conditions are difficult. For this reason, as Hedef Association, we organized qurban aid activities in order to be with them and support them.

During the distribution of qurban meat, it gave us a special happiness to see the joyful expressions of the people. The prayers and thanks of our African brothers and sisters reminded us how meaningful and valuable our work is.

The prayers and thanks of our African brothers and sisters reminded us how meaningful and valuable our work is.

Always Solidarity

Our qurban relief efforts aim to create a long-term impact, not just short-term aid. By planning support projects for basic needs such as education and health, we aim to help people stand on their own feet. Not only physical assistance, but also spiritual support is important. During the distribution of qurban meat in the African country of Chad, we aimed to increase the joy of life by giving people morale and motivation.

As a result, as the Hedef Association, we slaughtered the qurbans sent by philanthropists in the African country of Chad and delivered them to people in need. These meaningful works we carried out with the support of our volunteers made African people smile and gave them hope.

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